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Amnesty International UK
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November 2022 (3)
Nov 25 2022 8:11AM
Weekly Action and News 25/11/2022

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action Please do this action and make a difference Shahnewaz Chowdhury – one of the 2022 Write for Rights cases. Members who were at our October meeting will remember that we were joined by Shahnewaz Chowdhury...

Nov 18 2022 7:30AM
Weekly Action and News 18/11/2022

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action Please do this action and make a difference 20 year old Hossein Shahbazi, is at risk of imminent execution in Iran for a crime that took place when he was just 17 years old. Hossein's trial was marred...

Nov 10 2022 8:05PM
Weekly Action and News 11/11/2022

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action Please do this action and make a difference The resurrection of the Rights Removal Bill Those of you who have been following our government’s attempts to diminish our human rights in the UK will know...