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Lots of info about our recent and up-coming events - find out about our busy group's work.
Friends Meeting House, 2 Church Street, Reading RG1 2SB Friday 21st October at 7.30pm £3, concessions £1 Booking - Doreen.osborne@ntlworld.com
An evening of music, mince pies and mulled wine.
Our event for this year’s Reading International Festival will focus on Syria
We're having a busy summer - we needed another newsletter!
Take a read of all our news! A round up of recent events and some of our plans for the future.
Take a read of our Spring newsletter - full of updates about our current actions and events.
Here's our plan for 2016 - monthly meetings, events and some ideas still in the planning stages.
Quiz Night Well done to everyone involved in making our Quiz Night such a success last night.