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Amnesty UK, with a representation from Sutton Amnesty, held a vigil outside the Japanese Embassy in London on October 10th, 2023, asking for the death sentence to be rescinded for the world's longest-serving death row prisoner...
Several marches were attended by members of our Sutton group, as well as Amnesty activists from the Anti-Racist Network, the Feminist Network and other London Region groups. The biggest turnout of Amnesty members was for the 11...
In December John and Graham attended a vigil including delivery of a report to the Greek Embassy on the sinking of the Adriana with the death of over 600 refugees. The report, “Seeking Asylum is a Human Right - Stop Deaths at Sea”...
On Saturday 27th January John and Anne attended an “Amnesty Surrey & Borders“ conference in Woking. The event was organised by Arianna Pisetti with the aims of bringing groups in the region together, discussing how to rejuvenate our...
Three Sutton Amnesty members turning up for this event were perhaps surprised, but again maybe shouldn't have been, to see our own Chair leading a preliminary session encouraging London Amnesty Groups to work together. The meeting...
We had a well-attended and much enjoyed dinner on 19 October. Many thanks to Heen's for accommodating us and an excellent meal.