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Thanks so much for everyone who came last night for our final session of 2023. It was super to see and catch up with some older / former members after such a long break. In the end, we had a large group and successfully signed quite a...
We can confirm we will be meeting, both online and in person, on Monday, 4 December at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church in Woking. Please contact one of the co-chairs if you need the online details. The main focus of Monday's meeting...
Despite technology issues again on my side, we successfully held a virtual Teams meeting. Write for Rights: Write for Rights stall on 2 December isn't happening as Woking Borough Council is fully booked. Monica has 4 packs of Write for...
In advance of next Monday's meeting at Trinity Church, we have been told of an Amnesty International Petition calling for a ceasefire now. https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/demand-a-ceasefire-by-all-parties-t…...
In advance of our November meeting, we'd like to provide some links and updates from Amnesty to you all and to think about our next meeting on the 6 th November. It’s exactly at times like this that Amnesty’s purpose is justified. With...
We were successful at entering the building!! Hurrah !We successfully completed the Woking Street Collection, raising in total £176. A lot lower than previous years but still we did raise awareness and it is for a great cause (clearly)...
Morad Tahbaz has been released finally after the US released funds ($6bn) and swapped hostages with Iran. Clearly this is far later than we would have liked and he should have been released with Nazanin but at least he is finally...
We had an unexpected issue with building access last night which meant we couldn’t host the US speaker event !! Apologies have been made to the wider participants who attempted to join remotely, however, the really good news is that...
Our next meeting on Monday 4th September will have Lise Rossi telling us about Human Rights in the USA. The meeting will take place in person at Trinity Methodist Church, Brewery Rd, Woking GU21 4LH from 7:30 to 8:30. We have a...
Our August meeting last night was held both virtually and face to face which worked well. From an admin perspective, Steph Maguire is the main person responsible for emailing the group and is going to look into using a shared Google...