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Amnesty International UK
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Jan 13 2013 9:26PM
Glasgow Human Rights Network annual lecture: Kate Allen

GHRN Annual Human Rights Lecture Wolfson Medical School Building, Seminar Room 2 Thursday 31st January, 5.30-7.30 pm 'The Middle East and North Africa Uprising: Putting Human Rights on the Agenda'

Dec 11 2012 8:25PM
Classical concert in aid of Amnesty - Tues 18th Dec

We've been contacted by violinist Sandie Bishop to let us know that she's putting on and performing in a concert in aid of Amnesty next week. It sounds fantastic - do come along if you can make it!

Dec 11 2012 5:43PM
December means mulled wine and greetings cards

As always the December meeting of the Glasgow West Amnesty International group will be a little bit different. Enjoy mulled wine, minced pies, and friendly chat, as we write greetings cards to prisoners of conscience around the world.

Oct 29 2012 11:46AM
Second-Hand Book Sale Was A Huge Success!

We are delighted to announce that the second-hand book sale we held on Saturday with Freedom From Torture was a great success, raising £400!

Oct 2 2012 11:21AM
Public Lecture - Monday 29th October, 6pm How to Change the World by Shooting Film Not Bullets

Strathclyde University is hosting Jenni Wolfson,

Oct 2 2012 11:04AM
Second-Hand Book Sale - Sat 27th October, 11am to 3pm

The Glasgow West Amnesty group will

Oct 2 2012 10:58AM
NEXT GROUP MONTHLY MEETING: Thurs 11th October, 7.30pm

Our monthly meeting brings us together to learn about&nb

Oct 2 2012 10:51AM
Benefit Gig in Ayr - Friday, 5th October, 7.30pm Friday

Benefit Gig in Ayr - Friday, 5th October, 7.30pm Friday
