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Weekly Action and News 28/07/2023

Manchester Amnesty Weekly Action and News 


Please do this action and make a difference 


Members will be aware that the journalist and Wiki-leaks founder, Julian Assange, has been in Belmarsh Prison for the past four years, awaiting extradition to the United States, where he faces charges of espionage. While there is still the possibility that a final appeal to the supreme court will be successful, the extradition papers have been signed so Mr Assange could be extradited at any time. In addition to the blow to press freedom which Mr Assange’s extradition would represent, Amnesty [] have repeatedly said that Mr Assange is unlikely to receive a fair trial in the US, and is likely to be held in inhumane conditions. For this week’s action, please write to your MP, asking them to put pressure on the Home Secretary to halt Mr Assange’s extradition. A letter has been prepared for you, and is attached to this email. 


Manchester Pride Parade 

26th August, Manchester City Centre 

We have up to 50 places at the Manchester Pride parade and would love to fill them all. Zoe Wong is coordinating our efforts -if you plan to attend the parade, or if you want more information, please contact Zoe 





10 years on from Acoustic Amnesty’s first gig, we welcome back some of the performers who were at that very first gig. Proceeds will go to Amnesty and the charity Forever Manchester [] 

Friday, 8th September, 2023. Door time 7:00pm, Start time 7:30 

At Sacred Trinity Church, Salford

Get your tickets here []

WeGotTickets | Simple, honest ticketing | Acoustic Amnesty 10th anniversary gig [] 



We have been invited to attend Stockport Amnesty’s September group meeting on 14th September, when they will have talks from Nabila Hanson and Rebecca Patterson about Amnesty’s work in China, and a discussion about engaging with the Chinese community in Manchester. 

At the Friends Meeting House, 91 Station Road, Cheadle Hulme SK8 7BG, 7:45 for 8pm start. 




Good news 


Egypt - On July 19, 2023, President Abdelfattah al-Sisi pardoned Patrick Zaki, who the day before had been sentenced to three years in prison for "spreading false news". He also pardoned human rights lawyer Mohamed al-Baker, who had been in prison since 2019 and was serving a four year sentence for the same "crime". 


United Nations- On 20July 2023, the "Global Coalition of Civil Society, IndigenousPeoples, Social Movements and Local Communities for the UniversalRecognition of the Right to a Clean, Healthy andSustainable Environment", ofwhich Amnesty Internationalis a member, won the prestigious UnitedNations Human RightsAward for its campaignfor the rightof every personto a cleanenvironment, healthy andsustainable. 


Manchester Amnesty issue and campaign coordinators 

Anti-racism –Hazel Errey  

Craftivism – Kathryn Fletcher Kathryn wishes to step down as craftivism coordinator so if you would like to take on this role, please let her know. 

Europe/ Turkey Fatih Segmen  - 

Human Rights in the UK Lancine Sacko  - 

Individuals at Risk (bi-monthly appeal writing drop ins) - Anne Walker 

Manchester Central Library, café area, 2-4pm 4th Saturdays September, November.  

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians  - Mike Reed 

LGBTQ+ and Pride coordinator – Zoe Song 

Press freedom and Julian Assange – Lima Al-Iskalachi 

Refugees – Alison Wearden 

UAE – Kathryn Fletcher  


Alison Wearden  

Communications Secretary  

Manchester Group of Amnesty International  

Please contact me with items for our Weekly Action and News email, or with ideas for longer articles for the quarterly Manchester Amnesty Group Bulletin. 

assange letter.docx
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