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Amnesty International UK
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Mar 14 2018 2:58PM
Marking International Women's Day in Minehead

For International Women's Day this year we held a street stall on Minehead's main shopping street on Friday 9 March. Although one day late, we chose to do it on Friday as this is usually the busiest day in Minehead when people come...

Mar 14 2018 2:49PM
Our annual Amnesty Quiz raised £470!

Our annual quiz was once again a very successful and enjoyable evening. The Humber Family organised eight rounds of interesting and challenging questions, and once again generously donated the cost of the venue and prizes. The evening...

Feb 15 2018 11:32PM
Minehead Group's February 2018 newsletter

Our February newsletter starts with the exciting news that Ethiopian journalist, Eskinder Nega, has been released from prison. We have been writing letters about Eskinder, an AI prisoner of conscience, for several years so this is...

Feb 15 2018 11:26PM
68 letters written at our latest letter writing afternoon

Our letter writing afternoon on 14 February was a busy session. Fifteen people came along to write letters about cases in Amnesty's Real Lives Spring edition and to respond to current Urgent Actions. Cards were also completed for the...

Feb 6 2018 10:49PM
Commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day in Minehead

On Saturday 27 January, members of the Minehead Amnesty International Group joined with others to remember those who have suffered and died in genocides - such as by the Nazis against Jews and other groups; and in genocides in Cambodia...

Jan 19 2018 3:26PM
Minehead Group's January 2018 newsletter

Our January 2018 newsletter includes details of forthcoming events over the next few weeks. The first of these is a vigil, exhibition and words & music for Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January. Then on 14 February we are holding...

Dec 8 2017 9:12PM
Amnesty tree sparkles at the Minehead Christmas Tree Festival

This year the theme of the Minehead Christmas Tree Festival was 'messages and messengers'. So this fitted well with Amnesty's Write for Rights Campaign to send messages of hope to individual prisoners of conscience and their families...

Dec 8 2017 8:45PM
Lots of visitors to our Write for Rights morning - despite the cold!

Despite cold and windy weather, a steady stream of people visited our Write for Rights event inside and outside the Avenue Methodist Church in Minehead on Friday 8 December. We had selected five campaign cases to focus on and invited...

Nov 29 2017 11:20PM
Minehead Group's December newsletter

Our December newsletter includes updates on our current campaigns, actions you can take this month and diary dates for the next three months. December and January are busy with the Christmas Tree Festival, our Write for Rights coffee...

Nov 6 2017 3:58PM
Minehead Group's November newsletter

Our November newsletter includes reports of our latest letter writing afternoon and also our October group meeting, when we had a training session on Amnesty's new global campaign - Brave. This campaign seeks to strengthen the...
