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Amnesty International UK
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May 6 2022 5:20PM
May meeting

A reminder of this coming Monday 9th meeting at 7.30pm. We'll be meeting physically 7.30pm at Trinity church hall Woking to do a quick action together on Palestine and then we'll be joined by Nabila Khan at 8pm from Amnesty...

Apr 1 2022 3:10PM
April 2022

On Monday evening we'll be hearing a talk by Nigina Istanaksai , AI Afghanistan Country Coordinator on the latest HR situation and I'm sure she'll be focusing on education for women amongst other things. This will be held on Zoom...

Mar 10 2022 6:09PM
March 2022 update

Monday's meeting was devoted to discussion of Ukraine. Amnesty International officially describes the entry into Ukraine by Russian forces and attempted occupation as deliberate 'Aggression' which is an abuse of the sovereign right of...

Feb 26 2022 10:36AM
March 2022

Next meeting is Monday 7th March 7.30pm. Palestine speakers are not available just now so we'll defer till a summer month. We will instead focus on the following.... 1 / Ukraine. Our Woking member Franko Kowalczuk has Ukrainian...

Feb 9 2022 6:47PM
February 2022 update

Thanks to all who came to Monday's meeting. The follow up action is in defence of Wendy Galarza who as Tilly explained has been harassed and beaten by police. H ere are the links to the two reports on violence against women in Mexico...

Jan 20 2022 7:43PM
February 2022

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! In case I haven't already thanked you all then please accept my heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated money last Autumn to Woking Amnesty which has allowed us to continue as a group and pass on...

Dec 22 2021 7:46AM
Plans for 2022

It was nice to see everyone at the Write for Rights zoom meeting. Thanks for dropping in your card bundles, they have all been posted. Egypt: You will remember Mohamed Baker the Human Rights lawyer to whom we wrote Christmas cards...

Dec 3 2021 8:52PM
December Write for Rights

With an upsurge in Covid, new restrictions and the size of the room at Trinity, we have decided that meet once again on ZOOM this coming Monday 6th December at 7.30pm. This is our annual Write for Rights meeting and an opportunity to...

Oct 29 2021 9:27AM
November Meeting

The November meeting was good and attended by Peter Leslie and Jane. We discussed options for next year but with a very small quorum nothing major could really be committed to. For the Spring of 2022 Jane is arranging for a Country...

Oct 2 2021 10:43AM
October Meeting - THURSDAY

Don't expect to login on Monday evening. Next week it'll be Thursday 7th October 7.30-9.00pm. Keith will be hosting/chairing. Please let us know if you need a Zoom link. 1/ Meeting Agenda . "Amnesty Rights Raid" week of action to...
