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Amnesty International UK
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Sep 1 2021 10:08AM
September update

Our September meeting was brilliant. Sue Bingham updated on Cuba and asked us to go to the Amnesty website, choose Cuba and take action. If you'd like to follow developments in Cuba, Sue does a commentary on Twitter @sue4cuba and Sue...

Jul 20 2021 9:24PM
July update

Our joint meeting in July with the Guildford group was on Syria. It was riveting and we look forward to them being our guests later this year. Kristyan's revelations about Syria, and Amnesty's instrumental contribution in identifying...

Jun 29 2021 6:18AM
July meeting with Guildford group

Monday July 12th Meeting . Don't forget, that's the second Monday in July and we are guests of Guildford group. The meeting starts at 7.30pm and the speaker, Kristyan Benedict, will talk about Syria and all its Human Rights issues and...
