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Amnesty International condemns indiscriminate attack

Mohammed Lathif Baithullah, who is also a police officer, was killed and so were his bodyguards. But the large majority of those killed were civilians and it is clear that their killing was in...


Although President Milosevic has been formally indicted to appear before the ICTY at The Hague in the Netherlands, there is widespread media speculation that diplomatic moves to ensure he avoids...

Civilians' lives must be respected

'The dead civilians, among them young Children's rights , include those uninvolved in the conflict and seeking safety,' the human rights organisation said, 'The loss of civilian life is devastating...

Freedom March 2000 - the authorities must avoid repeat of last year's crack-down

'The large-scale arbitrary arrests and police ill-treatment of peaceful demonstrators during the Freedom March 1999 should be avoided at all costs, during which there were reportedly over 200 arrests'...

Agencies applaud arms promise, now call for action

This is a significant advance on the Government's 1998 White Paper proposals, and a sign that the British Government are listening to the evidence of agencies who witness on a day-to-day basis the...

Time is long overdue to address Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights's rights

'Despite an encouraging emerging debate on Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights's rights in Saudi Arabia, Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights still face...

Papua at risk of becoming another East Timor

'The police and military continue to commit serious human rights violations in Papua and the authorities have failed to make a credible effort to bring those responsible to justice. Until the security...

Joint appeal calling for rights of conscientious objectors

The Law of Defence sets out the premises for military service in Macedonia and Amnesty International is concerned about its lack of compatibility with existing international recommendations...

Are returning Afghan refugees properly protected?

'The international community is labouring under the illusion that some areas in Afghanistan are safe for the return of Afghan refugees This ignores the reality that frontlines change quickly and...

Appeal for revising the Penal Code

'Failing to do so in this last sitting before parliamentary elections which are scheduled for November 2000 would represent a broken commitment to the people of Romania to ensure that their rights and...