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Amnesty International UK
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Are returning Afghan refugees properly protected?

'The international community is labouring under the illusion that some areas in Afghanistan are safe for the return of Afghan refugees . This ignores the reality that frontlines change quickly and...

Aceh situation worsening, human rights groups warn

'Abductions, torture, and unlawful killings are taking place on a daily basis throughout Aceh. Civilian authority has all but collapsed, and no one in Jakarta seems to be paying serious attention to...

Amnesty International condemns harassment of human rights defender

Kamal al-Batal was first summoned by the police for interrogation in July 2000 concerning a call for urgent action Mirsad had issued by e-mail in April 2000. The communique expressed concern about a...

Prisoners of conscience must be released

'This trial ought never to have taken place. The conviction of Alpha Condé and some of his co-detainees shows just how far the Guinean authorities are determined to go to silence any opposition'...

A sea of flowers for Akin Birdal

Akin Birdal was put on trial because he called for a peaceful approach to the Kurdish issue in speeches made in 1998 and 1996. He has been imprisoned since 23 March 2000, sentenced under Article 312...

FR YUGOSLAVIA: Increased violence against opposition groups

'The weeks preceding the forthcoming elections in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, have seen a deeply disturbing rise in the use of violence, intimidation and harassment', Amnesty International...


Kate Allen, Director of Amnesty International UK, said: 'Despite real progress in some areas, the Labour Government still has outstanding commitments to introduce legislation to ratify the statute of...

Muzzling Civil Society

In the report 'Muzzling the civil society', Amnesty International said 'The authorities in Egypt are sending a clear message to the country's civil society by detaining and imprisoning, those who...

Civilians at risk as armed forces launch massive attack

'Indiscriminate bombing of the civilian population must be halted immediately. No security crisis can justify a military offensive which involves the killing of civilians,' Amnesty International said...

F R of Yugoslavia(FRY): Let these men go - Mr Jankovic

'These men should be released immediately; their detention is completely unlawful - it violates both national and international law', Amnesty International said. 'If there is substantial evidence that...