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Shooting and burning - rough justice for Roma teenagers

On 10 May 2000 in Sliven a slightly built 14-year-old Roma boy, Atanas Djambazov, was shot in the head and arm by a police officer guarding a wine factory bordering the town's Roma ghetto. Allegedly...

Appeal for decency as Georgia prepares to execute a mentally ill child offender

In the next eight days, US standards of decency and humanity will come under the international spotlight, Amnesty International said today issuing a report on the imminent execution of a mentally ill...

Indiscriminate bombing attacks on civilians must stop

'The government of Sudan should immediately stop indiscriminate bombings of civilians in south Sudan, restate its commitment to international humanitarian law (The Geneva Conventions), and...

President's fine words must be followed by action

The organisation welcomed the accord, through which President Alfonso Portillo accepted state responsibility for two specific massacres and 16 individual executions and ' disappearances ' which...

Amnesty International welcomes the Release of Dr. Saad El-Din Ibrahim

Defence lawyers present at their first appearances before the State Security Prosecution on 1 July 2000 reported that there were several accusations, including receiving foreign funding without...

The USA's hour of shame

'Texas is at the heart of that scandal,' the organisation continued, pointing to the fact that Texas now accounts for 28 of the 58 executions carried out in the USA this year, and 227 of the 656 since...

Texas double execution to expose capital justice flaws

'The cases of Brian Roberson and Oliver Cruz, facing lethal injection within one hour of each other on the evening of 9 August, are textbook examples of the arbitrary and often discriminatory...

Protection of witnesses and human rights defenders must be a priority for the International Commission of Inquiry

'Unless witnesses are protected and human rights defenders are freed from the threat of legal action many are likely to be discouraged from testifying,' the human rights organisation noted. On 4...

Police brutality must be stopped

The two reports highlight a disregard for human rights by Romanian law enforcement officials and a lack of legal and institutional reforms on the part of the authorities. The first report, on the...

Maoists must end abductions, killings and the recruitment of child soldiers

In letters to the two leaders of the CPN (Maoist), Pushpa Kumar Dahal and Dr Baburam Bhattarai, Amnesty International called for an immediate end to the recruitment of child soldiers and the abduction...