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Supreme Court chooses justice

Uruguayan jurist Dr. Alejandro Artucio, Amnesty International's observer at the Supreme Court hearings, said: 'This is a triumph for justice in a case where repeated testimonies gave similar and...

Sodomy verdicts - a major setback for human rights

Anwar Ibrahim and Sukma Darmawan were found guilty on charges of sodomy by the High Court in Kuala Lumpur and sentenced to terms of imprisonment of nine and six years respectively. Sukma Darmawan...

Concern over missing human rights activist

Jafar Siddiq Hamzah, head of the US-based non-governmental organisation International Forum for Aceh, failed to keep an appointment for a meeting in Medan on the evening of Saturday 5 August 2000. He...

Landing Prevention Facility

Amnesty International calls on the Immigration authorities to establish an official monitoring mechanism for the private security companies whose staff have been allegedly routinely torturing and ill...

UN Security Council should strengthen the independent special court to prosecute perpetrators of human rights abuses

On 26 July, Amnesty International published a report: 'Sierra Leone: Ending impunity, an opportunity not to be missed' which set out the organisation's recommendations for a process which would...

Truth is a necessary part of reconciliation

In its comment on the report of the Commission, the human rights organisation said that the government should implement the recommendations from families of the missing and from non-governmental...

Authorities must respect human rights

'The eyes of the international community will be on the Malaysian police on Friday morning,' the human rights organisation said. 'We urge the authorities to ensure that no one is arrested or brutally...

Erbakan is a prisoner of Conscience if Jailed

'The sentencing and the possible imprisonment of former Turkish Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, the former leader of the Islamist Welfare Party (RP), are completlely unacceptable,' Amnesty...

Civilians must not be pawns in political process in Jammu and Kashmir

'Political debate and dissent occur in any democratic society and must be allowed as part of the exercise of fundamental rights - it should never take the form of killing innocent civilians who are...

Aleksandr Nikitin faces further persecution

The Federal Security Service (FSB) which has led the investigation, has continuously violated national and international standards of criminal procedure and appears to be more concerned in obtaining...