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United Nations expert confirms that torture is 'widespread and systematic'

Amnesty International has repeatedly over many years condemned the routine practice of torture and ill-treatment of both political detainees and criminal suspects in Cameroon, which has resulted in...

Fatal Attraction - Texas Leads US Executions, Florida Follows

'As the world increasingly turns its back on the death penalty , as illustrated by Tuesday's overwhelming vote for abolition in the Ukrainian parliament, Texas continues to lead the USA's resort to...

First anniversary of the CEH report - Mass murderers walk the streets of Guatemala

A year after the publication of the historic human rights report by GuatemalaÃŒs Commission of Historical Clarification, Amnesty International has launched a renewed call for justice to be done, and...

Protecting human rights is the best way to bring peace - public statement made by Secretary General of Amnesty International, Pierre Sane, in Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepal has what it needs to avert a human rights crisis - an active civil society and strong constitutional and international guarantees for human rights. But the time has come for politicians to put...

Northern Ireland - Who was behind the Finucane murder?

Allegations of official state collusion and a cover-up in the murder of Patrick Finucane remain unchallenged. These allegations must be investigated by an independent judicial inquiry or the UK...

Prime Minister's disregard of human rights obligations shocks

'If all states which signed up to human rights treaties took the same view as Prime Minister John Howard, then we might as well tear them up,'Amnesty International said. 'The Prime Minister's blunt...

White paper or whitewash?

'The paper makes much of guarantees of basic rights, such as rights to free speech, association and religious belief contained in China's constitution, but it fails to mention that these have become...


A Life in the Balance - The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal , a new Amnesty International report, highlights inadequate legal representation, legal proceedings that fail to reach minimum international...

Amnesty International's submission on juvenile mandatory sentencing

The human rights organisation has decided to make public its submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee, submitted in October last year, in view of the government's...

Egyptian Human Rights Defender faces years of imprisonment

'The case of Hafez Abu Sa'ada, General Secretary of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR), clearly suggests that the Egyptian authorities are trying to muzzle human rights defenders in...