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Amnesty International UK
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Pinochet case: Court ruling a victory for justice

'This case has great international significance and any doubts that the proceedings were influenced by political considerations had to be dispelled,' the human rights organisation said. 'In seeking...

Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Karachi.....Nepal must not go the same way

In a new report, Amnesty International lists a chilling catalogue of violations, by both the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist) and security forces since the CPN launched its 'people's war' four...


Ö Thousands of people deliberately and systematically killed, including thousands of ethnic Hazara civilians killed by Taleban guards in Mazar-e Sharif in 1998 Ö Thousands of civilians taken...

Crack-down on dissidents continues

The regional Belarusian Social Democratic Party leader Gennady Garusev was yesterday sentenced to seven days' imprisonment for his part in a peaceful protest in January in the town of Borisov...

Chechnya: Russian government must order the release of Radio Liberty

Russian television broadcast a video tape of a message from Babitsky on 8 February which stated that he was 'ok' but that he wanted to return home. The date and place of the message remain a mystery...

Democratic Republic of Congo: 61 people face imminent execution

Amnesty International urges President Laurent-D»sir» Kabila to grant a presidential pardon sparing the lives of the 61 prisoners on death row and to impose an immediate and binding moratorium on any...

Amnesty International condemns attacks on civilians

'Civilians all over Lebanon have been punished for attacks in south Lebanon on the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) and its militia ally the South Lebanon Army (SLA) by Hizbullah,' Amnesty International...

Brazil signs Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court -- Amnesty International welcomes positive step to end impunity

On 7 February, Brazil signed the Rome Statute in the office of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 'By signing the Statute, Brazil has shown its support for the creation of a permanent...

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda's request for the surrender of Muvunyi and Ndindiliyimana: a step closer to justice

Lieutenant-Colonel Tharcisse Muvunyi, a commander in the former Rwandese army in the southern prefecture of Butare, was arrested in London on 5 February following the issuing of an international...

Asylum debate - Government and opposition ignoring refugee needs

Amnesty International UK is deeply concerned about the tone and content of the current debate on asylum policy. Both the Government and the Opposition are focusing on ÏabusiveÓ asylum claims, with...