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Afghanistan: Amnesty International calls for urgent inquiry into violence in Qala-i-Jhangi

After negotiating a surrender, hundreds of foreign troops fighting with the Taliban were escorted from Kunduz to the fort by the United Front last weekend. The circumstances surrounding the fighting...

Afghanistan - only a human rights solution will last

It is in this new context of fear and hope that everyone is talking about the future of Afghanistan. After a failed peace process ten years ago the world turned its back on Afghanistan. This time...

Committee Against Torture says Israel's policy of closures and demolitions of Palestinian homes may amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

'We now urge the Israeli authorities to immediately implement all of the recommendations of the Committee,' the organisation added, noting that the Committee recommended that the 'State party should...

Bosnia-Herzegovina: Some dignity at last for victims of 'disappearance' in Prijedor

'After over six years of agony of not knowing what happened to the Matanovic family, the funeral will help provide some kind of closure, and enable family, friends and parishioners to mourn their...

Afghanistan: A human rights agenda for the future

A political settlement must be based on broad consultation and participation by the widest possible cross section of Afghan society. 'At this critical moment the human rights of the Afghan people must...

South Korea: Amnesty International welcomes new Human Rights Commission

Amnesty International hopes that the Commission will monitor, investigate and offer correctional measures regarding human rights concerns such as discrimination, cases of ill-treatment in prisons, the...

Morocco: Court acquits rights activists; action to guarantee right of assembly urged

In a joint report issued today on the case, Morocco / Western Sahara: Freedom of assembly on trial, the two groups urged rapid progress in ensuring the right of Moroccans to demonstrate peacefully...

Afghanistan: Kunduz - Both Afghans and Foreign Fighters must be Protected as Prisoners

On 16 November 2001, the organisation sent an urgent communication to Afghanistan's United Front military commanders, reminding them of their obligations to protect civilians, and ensure humanitarian...

Colombia: Safety of municipal officials must be guaranteed

The men were reportedly abducted on Sunday 18 November 2001. The Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC, Self-defense Groups of Colombia) - in a letter to the Governor of the department of Antioquia...

Tanzanian: Inquiry into Zanzibar killings must be prompt, independent and impartial

'The decision to set up an inquiry into the January demonstration violence is an important step for the future of human rights in Tanzania. The government of Tanzania and the semi-autonomous...