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Syria: Releases should include all prisoners of conscience

'This positive step should immediately be followed by the release of all remaining prisoners of conscience, including the leading member of the banned Party for Communist Action (PCA) Abd al-Aziz al...

Israel/Occupied Territories: Israel fails to address increasing use of torture

Amnesty International's briefing to the Committee stated that, since the September 1999 High Court of Justice judgement which banned interrogation methods constituting torture, there has been strong...

Egypt:Trials of civilians before military courts violate human rights standards

The appeal follows the appearance on 18 November 2001, before a military court, of 94 civilians charged in connection with their alleged affiliation with armed Islamist groups. Several of the accused...

UK: A shadow criminal justice system is unacceptable

'The proposed 'emergency' legislation, which allows for indefinite detention without charge or trial, will create a shadow criminal justice system without the safeguards of the formal system. Anyone...

Croatia/FRY: Vukovar - ten years of impunity for massive human rights violations

The Tribunal's Prosecutor has indicted three former officers of the then Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Vukovar, in particular the killings of...

USA: Presidential order on military tribunals threatens fundamental principles of justice

Since the attacks in the USA on 11 September, Amnesty International has been calling for anyone suspected of involvement in these crimes to be brought to justice in accordance with international...

Jamaica: Strong action needed to end human rights violations and impunity

The IACHR held hearings on human rights abuses in Jamaica on 14 November 2001. An Amnesty International delegation, along with members of the human rights group Jamaicans for Justice, presented their...

Indonesia: Concrete steps needed to end torture

Hundreds of cases of torture are reported each year by human rights groups in Indonesia. In Papua and Aceh, torture is commonly employed to punish, intimidate, extract confessions or extort money from...

Guinea-Bissau: Judiciary under attack

Although no immediate reasons are available for the arrests, Amnesty International believes that they are part of a concerted attack by the government of President Kumba Ialá on the independence of...

Egypt: Alleged Muslim Brothers referred to military court in connection with opposition to war in Afghanistan

The 22 men, including doctors, university lecturers and engineers, were detained earlier this month in connection with their alleged affiliation with the banned Muslim Brotherhood organisation. 'If...