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Burma: Amnesty International welcomes first visit, calls for further improvements

'The continued imprisonment of between 1200-1300 political prisoners, many of whom we believe are prisoners of conscience, held solely for their peaceful political activities, was one of the key...

Colombia: Amnesty International condemns car bomb attack in Bogota

'Attacks on civilians are never justified. Civilians must not be deliberately targeted or placed in situations where they are in danger of death or injury,' Amnesty International said as the...

USA: The USA must abide by International Court of Justice order on death penalty cases

'Last September, President Bush told the United Nations General Assembly that his country wants the UN to be 'effective' and 'respected',' Amnesty International noted, also recalling that in his State...

China: Amnesty International fears for imprisoned Internet user

Since his arrest Wang Jinbo has reportedly been on hunger strike five times in protest at his treatment. The authorities have reportedly cut off his family's telephone in recent days. His imprisonment...

Burundi: Deployment of cease-fire monitors - a critical time

'The cease-fire agreement will mean virtually nothing to ordinary Burundians if the pattern of human rights abuses persists or even escalates,' Amnesty International said. Amnesty International...

People's Republic of China: No justice for the victims of the 1997 crackdown in Gulja (Yining)

The initially peaceful demonstration on 5 February was followed by several days of sporadic rioting in which both civilians and members of the security forces were killed or injured. Thousands of...

UK/USA: Westminster Abbey: Vigil for death row Briton Jackie Elliot

While lawyers in the US and UK are working to win a reprieve for Suffolk-born Jackie Elliot, a man who has spent over 16 years protesting his innocence on Texas's death row, human rights campaigners...

Jamaica: Visit by innocent man released from Florida's Death Row

'I have faced the prospect of my life being taken by the state for a crime I did not commit. No society should risk putting their fellow citizens through such an awful ordeal,' said Delbert Tibbs. 'No...

Turkey: Solitary confinement of Abdullah Ocalan

Amnesty International believes that solitary confinement of any prisoner carries the risk of serious mental and physical harm and can amount to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. The imprisonment...

Zimbabwe: Tony Blair must ask for commitment from Thabo Mbeki

The two leaders are due to meet on Saturday 1 February at Chequers. Amnesty International believes that Thabo Mbeki is well-placed to raise concerns over human rights violations and repression with...