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Sudan: Preliminary conclusions of Amnesty International's mission

'Detaining students, community leaders or political opponents in incommunicado detention for periods of up to nine months and then releasing them without charge or trial is a violation of basic human...

Nepal: Human rights must be a priority

The organisation appealed to the Government and the leaders of the Maoists to ensure that practical measures to prevent further killings, 'disappearances', torture and abductions carried out by both...

USA/UK: Camp David summit must recognise international responsibility for Iraqi human rights

The human rights and humanitarian situation in Iraq is extremely fragile as a result of decades of brutal repression by the Iraqi authorities of dissent and uprisings, including widespread torture and...

Lebanon: Excessive force and torture by security forces must be investigated

'I was tortured using suspension by the Ballanco and would remain suspended for about an hour and a half. While I was held in that position I was beaten by sticks and cable in my feet under the...

International Criminal Court : US nationals must not be given impunity for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes

The petition, signed by 84,598 people from all over the world was opened in September in response to a worldwide campaign launched by the USA against the new International Criminal Court. To mark the...

USA: Clemency authorities and legislators must act to prevent executions of child offenders

Yesterday the Supreme Court rejected the appeal of Scott Hain, who is on death row in Oklahoma for a crime committed when he was 17 years old. The Oklahoma Attorney General immediately sought an...

United Kingdom: Asylum - Dismay at ill-founded remarks on refugee protection and detention

Today's Conservative Party proposal that all asylum-seekers be detained and 'vetted' and its announcement that a future Conservative government would consider withdrawing from international human...

World Social Forum: All human rights for all, to make another world possible

Porto Alegre - As international civil society is debating the challenges of an increasingly globalised economy at the World Social Forum, Amnesty International stressed the need to truly globalise...

Russian Federation: Address human rights in the Chechen Republic, urge human rights organisations

Pressure on internally displaced persons to return to Chechnya, and camp closures amounting to de facto forcible return of internally displaced persons. Particularly disturbing is the Russian...

People's Republic of China: Amnesty International condemns execution of Tibetan, following unfair trial

'We are appalled by these reports, particularly in the face of widespread international concern about this case from both non-governmental organisations and other governments', Amnesty International...