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Iraq: AI's Secretary General challenges Powell

Listening to the US Secretary of State address the World Economic Forum, Irene Khan voiced the concern of many civil society groups, that the humanitarian situation in Iraq is extremely fragile after...

Bangladesh: Indemnity Bill - A Human Rights Challenge for Parliament

Amnesty International calls upon all Members of Parliament in Bangladesh to oppose the bill to sanction torture and unlawful killings carried out by army personnel over the last few months. The bill...

Zimbabwe: Latest wave of arrests and torture signal bleak future

It appears that the most recent wave of arrests is part of a strategy by the Zimbabwean authorities to undermine and stifle public protest while the world's attention is focused on the country during...

Russia: New human rights report on 'Doing Business in Russia' released at Davos

The 45-page report, 'Doing Business in Russia', part of the human rights organisation's ongoing campaign on Russia is highly critical of widespread corruption in the various linkages between companies...

Philippines: Persistence of torture

'The persistence of torture and ill-treatment in the Philippines highlights a serious discrepancy between the law and its application within the criminal justice system,' Amnesty International said...

Pakistan: Police must protect human rights in North West Frontier Province

The shooting took place while Fazal Wahab Wahab, a resident of Mingora (district of Swat) in the North West Frontier of Pakistan was in a shop. The shop keeper and his assistant were also killed in...

Cambodia: Government intimidation and harassment of human rights defenders

Eva Galabru is being sued for 'disinformation', a charge that carries a maximum three year prison sentence. She has been accused of spreading 'false information' after a statement from Global Witness...

World Social and Economic Fora: All human rights for all, everyone's

While Paul Hoffman, Chair of Amnesty International's International Executive Committee, will be joining social movements at the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre to bring human rights into the...

Venezuela: A human rights agenda for the current crisis

'Long-standing disrespect for human rights is one of the roots of the crisis, so it is only natural that national and international instruments set up to protect those rights should provide a...

Russia: Release of imprisoned journalist Grigory Pasko must be made unconditional

Mr Pasko, who had served two-thirds of a four-year sentence on treason charges in a prison colony in the Russian Far East, was arrested and sentenced solely for exercising his basic human right to...