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Bangladesh: Impunity for the army unacceptable

'These are serious human rights violations which must not under any circumstances be condoned,' Amnesty International said. 'Between October and January at least 40 people died after their arrest and...

People's Republic of China: 'Subversion' charges must not be used to imprison rights activists

Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang have reportedly been charged with 'subversion' for organising the protests in March 2002 and there are serious concerns that they will not receive a fair trial. 'If they...

USA: Historic Illinois decision must be a first step towards abolition of the death penalty

'The USA is on the wrong side of history on this fundamental human rights issue. Governor Ryan has shown that change is possible and that principled human rights leadership is crucial,' the...

Malaysia: End trial of human rights activist Irene Fernandez

Irene Fernandez, the director of Tenaganita, a Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights's non-governmental organisation (NGO), will be back in court on Tuesday in a trial which has...

Guyana: Draconian security legislation threatens fundamental rights

'The very real threat of violence and crime - which has seen four law enforcement officers killed since the beginning of this year - is one which the Guyanese authorities have the right - and the duty...

Democratic Republic of Congo: President Kabila must prevent further executions

The executions took place just hours before 30 people were sentenced to death by the Cour d'ordre militaire (COM), Military Order Court for their alleged role in the assassination of Laurent-Désiré...

China begins 2003 with seven public executions

Amnesty International UK Director Kate Allen said: 'The high number of executions and the way in which the death penalty is being applied in China show an appalling lack of respect for human life....

USA: Special registration process must be reviewed

'The US government must ensure that immigration laws are not applied in a way which violates fundamental protections against discrimination under international law. They must also ensure that these...

USA: One year on - the legal limbo of the Guantanamo detainees continues

'This legal limbo is a continuing violation of human rights standards which the international community must not ignore,' Amnesty International said. 'No access to the courts, lawyers or relatives...

India (Jammu/Kashmir): Impunity for Special Operations Group unacceptable

The promise was made by the government in its recently published Common Minimum Program. However, in an address to new trainee police recruits on 5th January, Chief Minister Mohammad Sayeed reportedly...