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Bangladesh: Senior Awami League politician in danger of torture

'He has been transferred from prison to police custody where he will be interrogated for seven days in yet another politically motivated allegation of criminal activity brought against him by the...

Guyana: Draconian security legislation threatens fundamental rights

'While the Guyanese authorities have the right - and the duty - to protect society from the threat of violence and crime, fundamental human rights cannot be traded in for increased security,' the...

Democratic Republic of Congo: Thirty sentenced to death after unfair trial

'The defendants clearly did not receive a fair trial, and to execute them in these circumstances would be in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which the DRC is a...

Russian Federation: Amnesty International strongly condemns suicide bombing in Chechnya

'There can be no justification for the deliberate targeting of unarmed civilians. This act is a violation of the basic requirements of international humanitarian law, in particular those protecting...

Russian Federation: Amnesty International is concerned about the climate of impunity prevailing in the Russian judicial system

Colonel Budanov, commander of a tank regiment in the Russian army in Chechnya, was on trial in the southern town of Rostov-on-Don for abducting and murdering an 18-year-old Chechen girl Kheda Kungaeva...