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Czech Republic: JK Rowling letter prompts end of 'cage beds'

On 13 July the Czech Minister of Health Jozef Kubinyi issued a press statement stating that he had instructed directors of all health institutions to immediately cease use of 'cage beds', calling for...

China: Fresh Arrests of HIV/AIDS activists

Four people, all HIV positive, have recently been detained in Shangqiu city in Henan province, after they tried to protest at inadequate healthcare for people infected with HIV/AIDS. Amnesty...

Iraq: 'Weak' UN resolution misses human rights opportunities

Amnesty International welcomes that the Security Council resolution includes a commitment by all forces in the country to act in accordance with international law, including their obligations under...

Guatemala: 15-year-old girl raped to intimidate trade unionist parents

The girl and her 13-year-old brother were washing clothes near their home on the afternoon of 6 July when two men in balaclavas attacked them, dragged them at gunpoint to nearby coffee trees, and tied...

Sudan: Security Council has a moral and legal responsibility to act

Given the provisions of the UN Charter requiring member states to cooperate in the promotion and protection of human rights, each one of the country members of the council has not only a moral, but...

Israel/Occupied Territories: New report demands repeal of discriminatory citizenship law

In its report, ‘Torn Apart: Families split by discriminatory policies’ , Amnesty International shows how the ‘Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law’ bars Israelis who are married to...

Greece: Olympic Games must not lead to a trade off of security for human rights

Amnesty International said: “The Greek government must protect athletes, officials, journalists and spectators. It is responsible for the security of its citizens and guests. However, this must not...

Israel/Occupied Territories: Wall should be dismantled in line with court decision

In its Advisory Opinion, the ICJ concluded that the construction of the wall by the Israeli army inside the West Bank, including in and around East Jerusalem, violates international human rights and...

Iraq: UK visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Alawi: Briefing on Amnesty International concerns

Amnesty International UK said: “After many years we could now see a turning point for human rights in Iraq. Tony Blair has a golden opportunity to emphasise its importance in this first visit of the...

EU Foreign Ministers today: New EU force in Bosnia-Herzegovina must not make the same mistakes as 'SFOR'

In particular, Amnesty International points to its concerns, repeatedly raised with NATO and individual governments contributing troops, about instances where SFOR has failed to adhere to...