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Bereaved parents call on governments to get tough on arms

The grass-roots action comes as the Control Arms Campaign (Oxfam, Amnesty International and IANSA) publishes figures showing that there is now one gun for every ten people on the planet – that’s...

Iran: New call for investigation into torture of student demonstrators

In March 2000, in letters from Tehran’s Evin prison sent to the Head of Judiciary – printed by local newspapers – Akbar Mohammadi stated that he had been ill treated while in custody. He claimed...

Guantánamo Bay: New 'reviews' dismissed as showing contempt for detainees' rights

Amnesty International is calling for all Guantánamo detainees to be released unless they are charged and brought to trial, without recourse to the death penalty, in proceedings that fully meet...

China: New report shows 'war on terror' a cover for fresh repression of Uighurs in north-west China

Amnesty International’s report, 'Uighurs fleeing persecution as China wages its ‘War on Terror’' , also shows that many Uighurs who had fled to neighbouring countries are being forcibly returned...

Spain: New report urges action on Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights's rights

According to one recent study, over two million Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights in Spain have suffered physical and/or mental violence at the hands of their partners, while...

Sudan: Those responsible for war crimes must be held accountable

The human rights organisation said that although responsibility for ensuring justice rests primarily with the Sudanese government, the whole international community is obliged to fight impunity...

Iraq: Human rights proceedings welcomed but concern over handling of Saddam Hussein's court appearance

Amnesty International said: “The beginning of legal proceedings to determine responsibility for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed over the last three decades, is to be...

Amnesty International urges the Dutch EU Presidency to close the gap between rhetoric and practice in EU human rights policy

Amnesty International's detailed recommendations include a call for the proposed EU Human Rights Agency to concentrate on human rights compliance within the EU, and the appointment of an EU Special...

USA: Supreme court ruling hailed as step toward restoring rule of law at GuantAnamo Bay

Amnesty International said: 'Today's ruling that the US courts have jurisdiction to consider challenges to the lawfulness of such detentions moves us one step closer to justice and accountability in...

Iraq: New report says US must clarify fate of prisoners after handover and stop holding 'ghost' detainees

In a new report, Amnesty International expresses concern that the US has recently said that it intends to hold without charge between 4,000 and 5,000 detainees despite a legal requirement to release...