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Amnesty International UK
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UN Torture Day: No room for complacency - fight against torture must be reinforced

Amnesty International UK Director, Kate Allen, said: “The international community must confront attempts to legitimise torture and ill-treatment head on. “The recent graphic evidence of the...

Democratic Republic of Congo: International Criminal Court's investigation of war crimes and crimes against humanity a major step forward

The announcement by the Prosecutor of the ICC of the commencement of an investigation follows a preliminary examination of crimes committed in the country since July 2002. In a positive step, the...

China: Annual Execution Spree Looms on UN Anti-Drugs Day

“We have seen an annual spree of executions in China in the run-up to UN International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in previous years” said Amnesty International. “Yet no...

Chechnya: New Report Shows Abuses Spreading to Neighbouring Ingushetia

The report, ‘Russian Federation: Chechen Republic - 'Normalization' in whose eyes? ’, examining human rights abuses against civilians in Chechnya, tracks the spread of abuses into Ingushetia...

'Sex, Love And Homophobia' - New Amnesty International Book on Sexuality and Human Rights

As people continue to be arrested, imprisoned and even killed because of their sexuality, and less than a month after the murder of Brian Williamson, Jamaica’s best known gay rights activist...

Russian Federation: Brutal killing of human rights defender Nikolai Girenko

Nikolai Girenko was well-known and widely respected for his work and research on racism and discrimination in the Russian Federation. He was Head of the Minority Rights Commission at the St Petersburg...

Haiti: Disarmament essential with 25,000 still armed

The organisation is calling for a comprehensive, nation-wide programme of disarmament as a priority, assisted by the new UN Stabilisation Mission, MINUSTAH. The report reveals that armed groups are...

Sudan: Government 'in denial' to blame for refugee crisis

The organisation was highly critical of the Sudanese government which it says is ultimately responsible for human rights atrocities committed in Darfur. It also called on the international community...

Saudi Arabia: Amnesty International appeals to armed group for the safety and release of Paul M. Johnson

The armed group is said to have given an ultimatum to the Saudi Arabian authorities to release some prisoners held by its security forces by Friday 18 June 2004, or it would carry out the killing of...

New report shows more asylum seekers being imprisoned in Northern Ireland

The report – Measuring Misery, detention of asylum seekers in Northern Ireland: a statistical analysis 2002-2004 – has been produced by the Refugee Action Group, a coalition of refugee and human...