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Death Penalty: New report shows USA and Iran top child offender execution table

Since 1990 the USA has executed 19 child offenders (those convicted of offences committed when they were aged below 18), and Iran 10 - including three this year, most recently a 16-year-old girl...

Laos: Disembowelling and torture of Children's rights condemned as war crimes

The reports, which include video evidence and witness testimony, say that the four girls and one boy, who were aged between 13 and 16 years old and part of an ethnic Hmong rebel group, were killed...

Amnesty International in Darfur, Sudan: Available for interview

Amnesty International has finally been granted access to the region where over a million people have been forced from their homes, more than 50,000 people have been killed, thousands of Women's rights...

Belarus: Imprisoned for a Poem

The human rights organisation considers the two men to be prisoners of conscience and urges the authorities to release them immediately and unconditionally. Valery Levonevsky, the president of the...

Indonesia: Amnesty International condemns Jakarta bomb attack

Attacks on civilians can never be justified and are prohibited by international law. Amnesty International calls for the perpetrators to be brought promptly to justice in proceedings that meet...

Russian Federation: Joint NGO statement on Beslan hostage tragedy

Human Rights Centre “Memorial”, Moscow Helsinki Group, All-Russia Movement for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)...

Human Rights in North Korea: Amnesty International Media Briefing

Overview Amnesty International has monitored the human rights situation in North Korea for many years; we have received reports of torture, executions, and the denial of fundamental rights such as the...

Honduras: Killing of Children's rights continues with impunity

Sara Sauceda Flores’ son, 16 year-old Darwin, was arrested and beaten by a police officer in February 2002, held for two days and released. One day later his body was found with signs that he had...

Sudan: UN Security Council must challenge sudanese government on continuing human rights abuses in Darfur

Amnesty International said: “Strengthening the numbers, capacity and resources of international human rights monitoring in Darfur is vital but not enough. It is clear that monitors cannot work...

Malaysia: Amnesty International welcomes release of Anwar Ibrahim and Sukma Darmawan

Amnesty International said: “The release of Anwar Ibrahim and Sukma Darmawan is a welcome and important milestone for human rights and the rule of law in Malaysia. “The courts have recognised that...