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Cymru: A.S. Caerffili i godi materion hawliau dynol yn Nigeria

Bydd Jeff Cuthbert A.C., Aelod y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol dros Gaerffili, yn ymweld â Nigeria ar gyfer Cynhadledd Seneddol Rhif 52 y Gymanwlad ac mae wedi cytuno i drafod gyda’i gymheiriaid seneddol...

Wales: Love is a human right- Amnesty Wales and Chris Bryant MP defend rights here and abroad

Amnesty International Wales will be taking part in the Cardiff Mardi Gras today (2nd September), showing support for those at home and abroad whose human rights are under threat because of their...

Wales: Caerphilly AM to raise human rights issues in Nigeria

Jeff Cuthbert AM, the National Assembly Member for Caerphilly, will be visiting Nigeria for the 52nd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference and has agreed to discuss serious issues of concern to...

Viet Nam: Cyber dissident released from prison into house arrest

Prisoner of conscience Dr Pham Hong Son was yeserday released from jail as part of an amnesty to mark Vietnam's National Day on 2 September. He will remain under house arrest for up to three years...

Israel/Lebanon: Cluster Bombs - Israel must say where deadly ordnance used in Lebanon

Amnesty International today called on Israel to immediately provide maps of the areas of Lebanon into which it fired cluster bombs during the recent conflict to enable their clearance and prevent...

Scotland: 'No occurances of human rights were found in this document'

Amnesty International reacted with shock and disappointment at the Scottish Executive’s strategy for stronger engagement with China published today (29 August, 2006). At no point in the 31-page...

Sudan: Government troop build-up in Darfur signals looming human rights crisis

Amnesty International today warned that the build-up of Sudanese troops in Darfur could lead to a human rights catastrophe in the very near future, and urged the UN Security Council to take immediate...

Scotland: Freedom of Expression Award winner announced

Today (25 August, 2006), Amnesty International announced that the play Unprotected has won their Freedom of Expression Award 2006. This controversial drama by Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse inspires...

Brazil: Important step towards justice following the Baixada Flumineuse Massacre

Amnesty International has welcomed the conviction of military police officer, Carlos Jorge Carvalho for his involvement in the indiscriminate killings of 29 civilians in the Baixada Fluminense area of...

UK: Algerian national security deportation an affront to justice and a green light to torture

Amnesty International is deeply dismayed at today's decision of the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) dismissing the appeal of an Algerian man, known for legal reasons as "Y", against his...