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Belfast Pride: Amnesty welcomes Peter Tatchell to Belfast to shine light on homophobia

On Monday 28 July Amnesty International members will welcome well-known gay rights activist Peter Tatchell to Belfast to deliver the Amnesty International Pride Lecture as part of the city's gay pride...

Amnesty welcomes rescue of five trafficked Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights by the PSNI

Amnesty International welcomes the success of Operation Pentameter 2 in Northern Ireland , a PSNI exercise to tackle sex trafficking.The PSNI rescued five trafficked Women's rights's rightss rights's...

Amnesty calls on Northern Ireland Lords to oppose 42 days detention

Amnesty International today (8 July) urged Northern Ireland peers to oppose the extension of pre-charge detention limits to 42 days in terrorism cases, ahead of today’s House of Lords debate on the...

Pride London: Amnesty stages mock Eurovision contest

Human rights organisation to award ‘null points’ to six European countries for their poor LGBT rights record Today Amnesty International members will join the annual Gay Pride parade in London and...

UK: Failure to protect witnesses allows suspected war criminals to avoid prosecution

Colonel Karuna returns to Sri Lanka after Met Police fail to build case against him Amnesty International today expressed disappointment at the deportation from the UK of Sri Lankan national...

New YouGov poll shows eight in ten people want cross-government strategy to end violence against Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights but fractured response across the UK fails victims

More than eight in ten people (84%) agree that there should be a cross-government strategy to end violence against Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights, according to new YouGov...

Miliband on Rendition: Government accused of being 'soft on USA'

Amnesty International has responded to today’s statement from the Foreign Secretary David Miliband about US “rendition” flights by branding the UK government “soft on the USA” on the issue of these...

New survey shows alarming prevelance of domestic abuse suffered by students in Wales

· 64% of students know Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights whose boyfriends or partners have hit them · 41% know Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights whose...

Mongolia: Call for restraint after violent protests

Amnesty calls for independent and impartial investigations into killings Amnesty International today called for restraint by both the authorities and the protesters to prevent any further deaths or...

New survey reveals alarming prevalence of domestic abuse suffered by students in Wales and confirms shocking view of sexual assault

Amnesty International and NUS Wales have today called for the Welsh Assembly Government, and Universities and Colleges in Wales to tackle violence against Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's...