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Amnesty International UK
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Mauritania: Amnesty exposes overcrowding and ill-treatment at 'little Guantánamo'

Under pressure from European Union, migrants face illegal arrest and collective expulsion Irregular migrants attempting to reach Europe are being arrested, ill-treated and collectively expelled from...

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Amnesty International helps take human rights into the classroom

New resource to teach Children's rights about their human rights and the rights of others launches Amnesty International was on hand today (1 July 2008) at the Central Foundation Girls’ School in Mile...

China: New viral calls for online action as Amnesty demands release of cyber-dissident who helped victims

Amnesty International today (30 June) launched a new, animated viral film to urge people in the UK to take action online for human rights in China. The new film was released as Amnesty called on the...

Syria: Primary school teacher at risk of torture

Amnesty issues call to its 2.2m members to help Mahmoud al-Najjar Amnesty International today launched an urgent appeal for Mahmoud al-Najjar, a primary school teacher from Syria, who was arrested...

Renditions: New report accuses European governments of complicity and inaction

· Amnesty issues ‘Six-point Plan’ to combat ‘torture flights’ · New letter to David Miliband on UK rendition victim Binyam Mohamed Amnesty International has today accused European governments of...

Equatorial Guinea: Archbishop of Cantebury welcomes release of pastor from five-year detention

Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams has welcomed the release of a pastor who had been detained for five years without charge or trial in Equatorial Guinea. Protestant pastor Reverend Bienvenido...

Amnesty Secretary-General writes to Chair of the SADC

On Friday 20 June Amnesty International’s Secretary-General Irene Khan wrote an open letter to the Chair of the SADC (the Southern African Development Community) urging him to convene an emergency...

Tunisia: New report slams country's record on torture and unfair trials

In a hard-hitting new report published today, Amnesty International has strongly criticised the Tunisian government for failing to curb torture, extended illegal detention and unfair trials. The...

Renditions: New report accuses governments of complicity in 'torture flights'

Amnesty International has today (24 June) accused European governments, including Ireland and the UK, of complicity and inaction over US-led rendition and secret detention, as it published a new...