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Amnesty International UK
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PM's accusation of 'mob rule' puts right to peaceful protest at risk

In response to the Prime Minister's call for further restrictions on protest, Tom Southerden, Amnesty International UK’s Law and Human Rights Director, said: “Talk of ‘mob rule’ is extremely dangerous...

Northern Ireland: Troubles Act immunity strike-out proves premise 'not only unjust but unlawful'

The Belfast High Court has today ruled that provisions for conditional immunity from prosecution for Troubles offences in the controversial Troubles Act are not compatible with human rights...

UK human rights crisis: Olivia Colman film on baby death tragedy from black mould launches 'terrifyingly urgent' rights campaign

Award-winning actors Olivia Colman and Adrian Lester are starring in a gripping new short film released today (Wednesday 28 Febuary) by Amnesty International UK, as the organisation calls attention to...

UK: Secret tribunal on journalist surveillance is 'test case for press freedom'

Investigatory Powers Tribunal for journalists Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey starts today London court hearing looking into claims the two Belfast journalists were secretly monitored by UK...

Russia: jailing of human rights defender Oleg Orlov condemned

‘Today’s sentencing of Orlov is the result of a sham trial’ - Natalia Zviagina Responding to news that Oleg Orlov, a prominent Russian human rights defender, has been sentenced to two years and eleven...

UK: Government has trapped people in an 'asylum vortex' causing multiple harms - new briefing

Government’s three-year long refusal to process asylum claims is at root of serious problems with the asylum system Backlog of asylum claims has at its last count risen to 124,461 compared to 29,233...

Gaza: Israel failing to comply with ICJ order on humanitarian aid

Month on from International Court of Justice saying Israel must allow humanitarian aid to avoid genocide, deliveries have actually fallen and entire population faces an engineered famine People in...

Afghanistan: Taliban double public execution condemned

Thousands watch as victims' relatives shot two men to death in a stadium in Ghazni yesterday ‘Carrying out executions in public adds to the inherent cruelty of the death penalty’ - Livia Saccardi...

Northern Ireland: Judgment in landmark legal challenge to Troubles Act – press conference

Amnesty Inter na tional UK and Phoenix Law press conference - Wednesday 28 February 2024 The Belfast High Court will give its decision in a landmark legal challenge to the UK government’s widely...

Russia: Navalny's body must be released and an independent investigation allowed

Mother reportedly being pressured into accepting a secret burial All those recently detained for peacefully mourning Navalny should be freed ‘Let there be no doubt - Aleksei Navalny’s death was caused...