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Bahrain: 50 Shi'a activists jailed yesterday were allegedly tortured

*One man sentenced to ten years for forwarding an email *‘It’s appalling what passes for “justice” today in Bahrain’ - Philip Luther Allegations that the Bahraini authorities used electric shocks and...

Syria: UN resolution's 'myopic focus' risks letting down human rights victims

‘The current resolution’s myopic focus on the victims of chemical weapons attacks misses the bigger picture’ - José Luis Díaz Today’s UN Security Council vote on a new Syria resolution must not be...

Sochi Winter Olympics: IOC's stance is 'affront' to gay and lesbian rights

‘This is an affront to gay and lesbian athletes and spectators’ - Sergei Nikitin

Egypt: Sinai journalist facing military trial on Sunday

‘The authorities’ decision to try a journalist and a civilian in a military court is a serious blow to press freedom and human rights in Egypt’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui An Egyptian journalist facing an...

France: New report reveals forced evictions have reached record proportions

Forced evictions in France have reached record proportions, Amnesty International revealed in a new report published today. The findings come despite promises made last year by the new French...

Northern Ireland: Human rights provide key to unlocking dispute of flags, parades and past - Amnesty

Human rights can provide the key to unlocking long-running disputes on flags, parading and dealing with the past in Northern Ireland, Amnesty International’s Northern Ireland Programme Director...

Lithuania should re-open its CIA rendition investigation after new victim comes forward

Guantánamo Bay detainee Mustafa al-Hawsawi can provide new evidence, claims NGO With a new victim claiming he was held in a secret CIA detention centre in Lithuania, Amnesty International is urging...

Iran: six Kurdish men face imminent execution

Amnesty International has urgently called on the Iranian authorities to halt the execution of six Kurdish men who the organisation fears are risk of imminent execution. The men are Sunni Muslims from...

Russia must not level 'unfounded' piracy charges against Greenpeace activists

‘There’s very little question that unarmed Greenpeace activists are not pirates’ - John Dalhuisen Any piracy charges against activists on the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise would be manifestly...

Russian authorities must investigate jailed Pussy Riot member's abuse allegations

‘We are concerned this could be yet another punishment for demanding … her own rights’ - Sergei Nikitin