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Today's killing of two protesters in West Bank shows 'recklessness' of Israeli forces

‘Israeli forces have repeatedly resorted to extreme violence to respond to Palestinian protests against Israel’s occupation’ - Philip Luther

Egypt: hunger-striking Al Jazeera journalist must be released from solitary confinement

‘By placing a hunger-striker in solitary confinement … the Egyptian authorities are deliberately putting his life and health at risk’

Two acclaimed Latin American women's football films at Amnesty's 'Sidelines' festival

Amnesty International UK will show two acclaimed Latin American films about women playing football at its first ever football film festival, Sidelines, in London this summer.

Sudan: Death sentence for Christian pregnant woman 'appalling and abhorrent'

Take action: Ask Sudan not to execute Meriam

Dow Chemicals blocks discussion of Bhopal disaster at its AGM today

‘Dow’s Bhopal problems aren’t about to go away simply by ignoring them’ - Audrey Gaughran

Qatar: today's announcement on labour reforms a 'missed opportunity'

‘The government claims it is abolishing the sponsorship system, but this sounds like a change of name rather than substantive reform’ - James Lynch

Dublin and Monaghan bombings: 'Desperate' families to sue British government

Responding to the announcement today that the victims and families of those who died in the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings are to sue the British government in Belfast, Patrick Corrigan, Norther

Scotland: Business and Human Rights Protections Don't Fit The Bill

“ There are countless human rights abuses caused by irresponsible, unscrutinised business practices, including modern day slavery, forced labour, human trafficking, an

Bahraini king's attendance at Windsor Horse Show must not distract from human rights

‘Equestrian fun and frolics should not distract the world from the reality of the human rights situation in Bahrain’ - Allan Hogart h