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Bahrain: critical report should become human rights 'turning point'

‘The true test now will be the speed, extent and seriousness with which the government follows through on the BICI's recommendations’ - Philip Luther Amnesty International has urged Bahrain’s...

South Africa: 'Dark day' for free speech as secrecy bill is passed

“This fatally flawed bill, takes us right back to the apartheid-era restrictions on free speech.” The South African parliament’s approval of a draconian secrecy bill which could see journalists and...

Egypt: Military leaders have 'crushed' hopes of revolution- New report

Military trials, torture, crushed demonstrations, arrests of critics, use of ‘thugs’, expanded emergency laws - Mubarak-era tactics being used ‘The brutal and heavy-handed response to protests in the...

Campaigners call on UK to resist US bid for 'licence to kill' with cluster bombs

Humanitarian concerns ignored as UN talks continue on cluster munitions Campaigners today called on the UK government to resist attempts by the United States and other countries to agree a law that...

Ethiopia: Stop using anti-terror laws to stifle peaceful dissent

The Ethiopian government should cease using its overly broad anti-terrorism law against journalists and peaceful political activists, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International said today. On...

Libya: Transfer Saif Al- Islam to the International Criminal Court

The National Transitional Council (NTC) must transfer Saif al-Islam Gaddafi to face investigation at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Amnesty International said today after reports that he has...

Egypt: military rulers must rein in security forces

"The violent policing seen over the weekend is reminiscent of the repression during '25 January revolution'" - Philip Luther Full report and media via this press release Egypt’s Supreme Council of the...

Russia: St Petersburg urged to halt draconian anti-gay bill

Amnesty International today urged the authorities in Russia’s second largest city not to enact a homophobic bill, saying it would threaten freedom of expression and fuel discrimination against the...

US state of Idaho urged to prevent first execution in 17 years

Twitter and Facebook campaign targets Idaho governor CL ‘Butch’ Otter The US state of Idaho should prevent its first execution in 17 years, Amnesty International has urged ahead of tomorrow's planned...

Iraq urged to commute death sentences as 11 are hanged

The Iraqi authorities must commute all death sentences and ensure verdicts are not based on forced confessions involving torture, Amnesty International said today, after 11 people convicted of...