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'Free Nelson Mandela' songwriter signs up to judge Amnesty's Youth Awards

The writer of the iconic tune ‘Free Nelson Mandela’ was today unveiled as the latest judge for Amnesty’s songwriting co

USA: planned execution of Mexican national in Texas would violate international law

Edgar Tamayo’s case is supported by US Secretary of State John Kerry and former Texas Governor Mark White

USA: planned execution of Mexican national in Texas would violate international law

Edgar Tamayo’s case is supported by US Secretary of State John Kerry and former Texas Governor Mark White

Iran: 40 executions so far this year, with 33 in last week alone

‘The spike in the number of executions carried out so far this month in Iran is alarming’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui

Ukraine: Kiev protest ban blatant attempt to 'gag peaceful protesters'

The Ukrainian authorities must lift a temporary ban on demonstrations in the centre of the capital Kiev and guarantee the rights to freedom of assembly and expression, Amnesty International said today

Nigeria: Halt homophobic witch-hunt under new law

Nigeria must immediately release the more than ten people already arrested under a deeply oppressive new law that runs roughshod over a range of human rights and discriminates based on real or perceiv

Egypt constitution vote: spokespeople available for comment

Amnesty International has spokespeople available to comment on the vote for a new constitution in Egypt.

European court blocks British trio's Saudi torture claim in 'major blow' for victims globally

The European Court of Human Rights ruling today that three British men who say they were tortured in prison in Saudi Arabia cannot pursue a claim through the UK courts is a ‘major blow’ fo