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Tunisia: Prisoner of conscience Jabeur Mejri freed, but conviction must be quashed

Last night’s release of Jabeur Mejri, a prisoner of conscience who spent two years in prison for publishing online articles and cartoons deemed offensive to Islam, is long overdue and must be

Chad: Refugees Fleeing Violence In The Central African Republic Face New Conflict In Chad

Thousands of people forced to flee the violence in the Central African Republic are now facing another humanitarian disaster in neighbouring Chad, Amnesty International said today.

Conflict Minerals: Campaigners Strongly Criticise 'Weak' EU Safeguards Against Conflict Minerals

A law proposed by the European Commission on responsible sourcing of minerals is not strong enough to prevent European companies from effectively financing conflict or human rights abuses, campaign

Somalia: Call On UN To Restore Full Arms Embargo This Week

Following a year of extreme violence across Somalia, Amnesty International is calling on the UN Security Council to restore a full arms embargo on Somalia to stop the rise in insecurity, violence a

Russia: detention of anti-war protesters condemned

‘The relationship between Russia and the Ukraine should not be a pretext for any impediment of freedom of expression and assembly’ - Sergei Nikitin

UAE: today's seven-year sentence for a Qatari doctor is 'a farce'

While in detention Al-Jaidah’s interrogators threatened to peel off his nails and hang him upside down until he died

Northern Ireland: 'On the runs' scheme must not perpetuate impunity

The UK government scheme to issue written assurances to 'on the runs' in Northern Ireland must not perpetuate impunity, Amnesty International said today following the announcement of a judg

Israeli security forces accused of being 'trigger-happy' in West Bank

Report shows ‘harrowing pattern of unlawful killings’ - Phil Luther

Ukraine: Disbanded riot police must be held to account for demo deaths

All those responsible for the deaths of more than 100 people killed during the anti-government protests in Ukraine must be brought to justice, Amnesty International said today.