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Urgent Action good news: Opposition member released from Sudan prison

Radwan Daoud, a dual national of the US and Sudan, was released without charge from Kober Prison on 18 January.

1st update on UA 2/18 issued 29/01/2018

Urgent Action good news: Supreme court blocks execution in Alabama

The US Supreme Court granted a stay of execution in the case of Vernon Madison.

1st update on UA 11/18 issued 26/01/2018

Urgent Action Good News: Peaceful protesters and activists released in Egypt

Human rights activist and former Prisoner of Conscience Mahienour el-Masry and labour activist Moatasem Medhat acquitted

2nd Update on UA 255/17 issued 26/01/2018

Urgent Action: Execution reset in Texas, USA, despite delusional disorder

John Battaglia is due to be executed on 1 February, after trial court judge rejected the opinions of three psychologists

UA 014/18 issued 25/01/2018

I Welcome - Families Together campaign

Refugee families, separated by war and persecution, are being kept apart by restrictive UK rules on family reunion. On Fr

Urgent Action Update: Administrative detention of lawmaker renewed in Israel

Israel renews the administrative detention, without charge or trial, of female Palestinian leader

2nd Update on UA 187/17 issued 25/01/2018

Urgent Action: Student in Norway is at risk of deportation to Afghanistan

18-year old student Taibeh Abbasi is at imminent risk of being deported to Afghanistan, a country she has never been to.

UA 009/18 issued 23/01/2018

Urgent Action: Ohio prepares for its first execution of 2018

Raymond Tibbetts, aged 60, is due to be executed in Ohio on 13 February.

UA 013/18 issued 23/01/2018

Urgent Action: Two young men remain disappeared in Mexico

Between 27 December and 3 January, at least seven young men disappeared in Chilpancingo, the capital of Guerrero state

UA 012/18 issued 23/01/2018

Urgent Action Good News: Lesotho soldiers acquitted of mutiny charges

A Military Court Martial acquitted 22 Lesotho Defence Force (LDF) Soldiers of mutiny charges

5th Update on UA 263/15 issued 23/01/2018