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Urgent Action update: Cuban prisoner of conscience attacked in prison

Three other prisoners attacked Eduardo Cardet, according to his wife.

3rd update on UA 32/17 issued 22/01/2018

Urgent Action update: Man arrested at 17 at risk of execution in Iran

Hamid Ahmadi, arrested at 17 and sentenced to death on the basis of torture-tainted “confessions” is at risk of execution

3rd update on UA 296/15 issued 22/01/2018

Urgent Action update: Two men still missing one year later in South Sudan

Dong Samuel Luak and Aggrey Idri, who were disappeared a year ago are still missing.

2nd update on UA 29/17 issued 22/01/2018

Urgent Action: Execution set in USA for crime man cannot remember

Vernon Madison is scheduled to be executed in Alabama on 25 January. He lacks a rational understanding of his punishment.

UA 11/18 issued 19/01/2018

Session 9: respect

Students look at the subtleties and connotations of language, and the impact words have in describing a person or event.

Burn 9: respect

Session 7: speak up

Students explore how words can help process feelings of anger and helplessness – and bring about self-empowerment.

Burn 7: speak up

Session 5: witness

On film, poet Emtithal Mahmoud asks students to ‘bear witness’ to her experiences of genocide in Darfur.

Burn 5: witness

Session 4: change

Students learn that everyone has a role to play in upholding human rights – in their school, community and world.

Burn 4: change

Urgent Action: Teen arrested at 14 still at risk of execution in Iran

Iranian teenager remains at risk of execution after his execution scheduled for 17 January was postponed.

UA 010/18 issued 19/01/2018