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Urgent Action: Human rights defender and journalist charged in Angola

Human rights defender Rafael Marques de Morais and journalist Mariano Brás Lourenço have formally been charged with ‘defa

UA 155/17 issued 30/06/2017

Urgent Action: Hundreds at imminent risk of forced eviction in Turkey

Hundreds of residents in neighbourhoods of the Sur district in Diyarbakır province, south eastern Turkey, are at imminent risk of forced eviction. For over a month now, their water and electricity supplies have been cut off, in an apparent attempt to force them out.

UA 158/17 issued 29/06/2017

Urgent Action: Saudi Arabian at risk of imminent execution

Saudi Arabian Said Mabkhout al-Sai’ari is at risk of imminent execution. He was sentenced to death after an unfair trial, he exhausted all his appeals and is likely to be executed anytime after 2 July.

UA 144/17 issued 29/06/2017

Urgent Action: Romani families left homeless, others at risk in Italy

Around 600 Romani individuals fear destruction of their homes in the informal settlement of Germagnano in Turin, northern Italy. At least 7 families were left homeless after being forcibly evicted and their homes demolished.

UA 146/17 issued 29/06/2017

Urgent Action: Threats against journalists in Paraguay

Menchi Barriocanal and Oscar Acosta, Paraguayan journalists and married couple, were threatened with imprisonment by president Horacio Cartes on 23 June during his participation in a rally in Ciudad del Este, where he falsely accused them of inciting violence during demonstrations that took place in March.

UA 154/17 issued 28/06/2017

Youth Group Action - July 2017

Chechnya - Stop abducting and killing gay men

Over a hundred men suspected of being gay have been abducted, tortured and some even killed in the southern Russian republic of Chechnya. We urgently need your help to call out the Chechen government on the persecution of people who are, as they put it, of 'non-traditional orientation', and urge immediate action to ensure their safety.

Youth Group Action July 2017

Urgent Action: Risk of excessive force against protestors in Guatemala

People peacefully protesting against a mining project in Casillas, Guatemala, and by-standers were tear gassed and dispersed by riot police on 22 June. There are concerns of further excessive use of force as police presence continues in the community.

UA 153/17 issued 23/06/2017

Urgent Action: Human rights defender charged with obstruction in Malaysia

Human rights defender and lawyer Siti Kasim has been charged with “obstruction” in connection with a raid on a transgender event held in April 2016. She could face up to two years in prison or a maximum fine of RM10,000 (USD 2,331) or both, if convicted.

UA 152/17 issued 23/06/2017

Urgent Action: Detained Kurdish activist in critical health in Syria

The health of Suleiman Abdulmajid Oussou has critically deteriorated since 21 June. The Syrian Kurdish opposition activist has been arbitrarily detained by the Asayish, the police force of the Democratic Union Party (PYD)-led Autonomous Administration, in the north-eastern region of Syrian, since 23 May.

UA 151/17 issued 23/06/2017

Urgent Action: Yemeni academic held incommunicado for 57 days

Professor and political figure Mustafa al-Mutawakel has been held incommunicado by the internationally recognized Yemeni government forces in an unknown location for almost two months.

UA 150/17 issued 23/06/2017