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Urgent Action good news: Woman in urgent need of surgery released in Turkey

Sibel Çapraz was conditionally released from prison on 28 February. She had been in pre-trial detention for almost one year and was in need of medical treatment and an urgent operation.

1st update on UA 21/17 issued 02/03/2017

Urgent Action update: Pastors face imprisonment for trumped up charges in Myanmar

Following international pressure, the Myanmar Army announced that two missing Kachin pastors, Dumdaw Nawng Lat and Langjaw Gam Seng, are now in police custody and face what Amnesty International believes to be politically motivated charges. If convicted they would face up to 6 years in prison. There are concerns for their health in detention.

1st update on UA 013/17 issued on 01/03/2017

Urgent Action update: Indigenous community remains displaced in Peru

The 21 families of the Asháninka Meantari Indigenous community, in the Central Peruvian rainforest, remain displaced from their land due to fear that armed individuals will return and act on the death threats they previously made.

1st update on UA 44/17 issued 28/02/2017

Urgent Action: Sudanese political activist held incommunicado in Saudi Arabia

Sudanese national and political activist Alaa Aldin al-Difana is currently being held incommunicado without charge, following his arrest on 26 December 2016, raising fears he could be at risk of torture and other ill-treatment. He requires access to a lawyer and medical care.

UA 50/17 issued on 28/02/2017

Urgent Action update: Crackdown on human rights defenders continues in Egypt

The El Nadeem Center for Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence was raided by police and shut down on 9 February.

8th update on UA 81/16 issued 27/02/2017

Urgent Action update: Activist held in solitary confinement in South Korea

Lee Jin-young is being held in solitary confinement after being formally charged under the National Security Law (NSL) for the online distribution of materials that are deemed, by South Korean authorities, to ‘benefit’ North Korea.

1st update on UA 20/17 issued 27/02/2017

Urgent Action: Journalist missing for more than six months in Rwanda

Journalist John Ndabarasa was last seen in Kigali on 7 August 2016. More than six months later, there is no news on his whereabouts or on the progress of the police investigation into his disappearance.

UA 49/17 issued 24/02/2017

International Women's Day 2017 campaign pack

On International Women’s Day 2017, we won’t wait whilst women are kept silent, we won’t wait for women to be liberated from abuse - and we won’t wait for women to be free - everywhere. Take action with us.

International Women's Day Campaign Pack

Urgent Action: Detained asylum seeker need medical care in USA

Sara Beltran Hernandez fled domestic and gang violence in El Salvador in November 2015 to live with relatives in the US.

UA 54/17 issued 24/02/2017