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UA good news: Man returned to Sudan from France, other no longer at risk

One of the two Sudanese nationals at risk of being illegally returned to Sudan from France was released on 22 November and is not at immediate risk.

1st update on UA 262/16 issued 07/12/2016

UA update: Circus performer held in administrative detention in Israel/OPT

The High Court of Israel accepted to review the case of Mohammad Faisal Abu Sakha but, in a 5 December hearing, his lawyer decided to withdraw the petition after the judges indicated that they believed there was enough “evidence” in a secret file to justify his detention.

4th update on UA 12/16 issued 07/12/2016

Urgent Action: Human rights defender harassed in Nicaragua

Francisca Ramírez, coordinator of the Council for the Defence of Our Land, Lake and Sovereignty, reported that the Nicaraguan police damaged and took possession of a pickup truck and another truck which she uses for her work, without notice.

UA 276/16 issued 06/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Ten Bahraini men sentenced to death and life imprisonment

A Bahraini court of appeal upheld the death sentences against three Bahraini men, the life sentences against seven others and the revocation of the nationality of eight of them on 4 December after an unfair retrial in relation to the killing of three policemen in March 2014.

2nd update on UA 47/15 issued 06/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Gravely ill Iranian musician returned to prison

Iranian musician Mehdi Rajabian was forced to return to Tehran’s Evin Prison on 4 December. He had been on medical leave following his month-long hunger strike.

6th update on UA 41/16 issued 06/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Tortured to confess child faces 15 years in jail in Egypt

The trial of 15-year-old Aser Mohamed has been adjourned to 27 December. He faces a string of charges, including belonging to the banned Muslim Brotherhood group and attacking a hotel, based on “confessions” that he says were obtained under torture after 34 days of enforced disappearance.

2nd update on UA 197/16 issued 06/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Graffiti artist transferred to new prison in Cuba

Cuban prisoner of conscience and graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado Machado (‘El Sexto’) has been transferred to a new detention centre where he continues to be detained without charge since his arrest on 26 November. He now refuses to eat the food from the prison.

1st update on UA 273/16 issued 05/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Demand clemency for Native American activist

Native American activist Leonard Peltier has been imprisoned in the USA for over 40 years despite concerns over the fairness of his trial. President Obama must grant him clemency before he leaves office.

1st update on UA 33/16 issued 01/12/2016

End Action: Former child detainee returned to prison in Israel/OPT

Mohammad al-Hashlamoun was released on 28 June after six months in administrative detention. However, the Israeli authorities have subsequently rearrested him and on 7 November he has been given another four month administrative detention order.

1st update on UA 31/16 issued 05/12/2016

Urgent Action good news: Texas court blocks execution

On 2 December, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued a stay of execution to John Battaglia, a 61-year-old man who was scheduled to be executed in Texas on 7 December.

1st update on UA 264/16 issued 05/12/2016