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Urgent Action update: Belarus’ last prisoner on death row at risk

Siarhei Vostrykau is the last known prisoner on death row in Belarus after the authorities executed the other remaining three prisoners on death row on 5 November. Siarhei Vostrykau is at imminent risk of execution.

1st update UA 134/16 issued 05/12/2016

UA good news: Child released from administrative detention in Israel/OPT

Abed al-Rahman Awad Kmail was released by the Israeli authorities from administrative detention on 2 October after nearly eight months in detention in Megiddo prison inside Israel. He had spent his 17th birthday in detention.

1st update on UA 101/16 issued 05/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Iranian activist couple jailed in Evin prison

The health of jailed Iranian human rights defender Arash Sadeghi has deteriorated. He has been on hunger strike since 24 October in protest at the imprisonment of his wife, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee, a human rights defender jailed for writing a story about stoning.

3rd update on UA 174/13 issued 30/11/2016

UA good news: Detained Kashmiri human rights defender released in India

Khurram Parvez, a prominent Kashmiri human rights defender, was released from administrative detention on 30 November, five days after a court ruled his detention under the Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act arbitrary and illegal.

1st update on UA 215/16 issued 02/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Prosecuted by military tribunal in Venezuela

Andrés Moreno Febres-Cordero, Marco Trejo, James Mathison and César Cuellar were granted conditional release in late November after having been arrested for producing a video for the opposition party Primero Justicia.

1st update on UA 242/16 issued 01/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Iranian filmmaker jailed, at risk of flogging

Iranian filmmaker Keywan Karimi was jailed on 23 November after being summoned to start serving his prison sentence.

2nd update on UA 19/16 issued 01/12/2016

Urgent Action: Detained without charge for more than a month in Bahrain

Al-Sayed Alawi Hussain al-Alawi was arrested at work on 24 October in Bahrain. He was allowed to call his family for the first time late at night on 27 November to tell them that he was being held at the Criminal Investigation Directorate (CID).

UA 275/16 issued 30/11/2016

Urgent Action: Man faces execution after grossly unfair trial in Saudi Arabia

A Shi’a man is at risk of execution in Saudi Arabia after he exhausted all his appeals. He was sentenced to death after a grossly unfair trial.

UA 270/16 issued 30/11/2016

Urgent Action: Website founder detained for 'subversion' in China

Liu Feiyue, founder and director of Hubei-based human rights website “Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch” (, has been detained for subversion and if convicted, could face life imprisonment.

UA 274/16 issued 30/11/2016

UA good news: Alternative housing provided for ten families in Mongolia

Ten families from Building #3 in Ulaanbaatar (UB), previously facing homelessness during this severe winter, have been provided with alternative housing.

2nd update on UA 77/16 issued 30/11/2016