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Urgent Action: Canadian-Iranian professor detained in Tehran

Canadian-Iranian citizen Dr Homa Hoodfar, a 65-year-old professor of anthropology, was arrested on 6 June following months of questioning by the Revolutionary Guards. She is being held in Tehran’s Evin Prison with no access to her family or lawyer, and likely in solitary confinement. She is a prisoner of conscience.

UA 137/16 issued 14/06/2016

Urgent Action: Chinese activists detained for commemorating June 4

Nine activists have been detained for commemorations of the 27th anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown. They are at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.

UA 138/16 issued 15/06/2016

Urgent Action update: ‘Extremism’ trial held behind closed doors in Tajikistan

The trial of Buzurgmekhr Yorov, a lawyer representing members of the banned Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT), began in May.

2nd update on UA 209/15 issued 13/06/2016

Youth group mailing June 2016: Solidarity with LGBTI community in Tunisia.

Show solidarity with the LGBTI community in Tunisia.

UA good news: Asylum law changes signed by federal president in Austria

Amendments to Austria’s asylum law were signed into law by the outgoing federal president and entered into force.

1st update on UA 103/16 issued 13/06/2016

Urgent Action good news: Mohammed Saleh Al-Bajadi released in Saudi Arabia

Human rights defender Mohammed Saleh al-Bajadi was released on 7 April from a rehabilitation centre where he had spent four months after being discharged from prison in November 2015.

6th update on UA 91/11 issued 09/06/2016

Urgent Action update: Human rights defenders' detention renewed

Cairo judges ordered on 5 June the renewed detention of two human rights defenders, Dr Ahmed Abdullah and Mina Thabet. Both are prisoners of conscience, detained solely for their human rights work with the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms.

3rd update on UA 009/16 issued on 10/06/2016

Urgent Action update: Activists face jail for planning rally in Kazakhstan

Three men remain in detention and now face criminal charges for planning peaceful demonstrations in Kazakhstan. They are prisoners of conscience detained solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

1st update on UA 115/16 issued on 10/06/2016

Urgent Action: Venezuelan human rights defenders assaulted

A group of hooded people attacked the vehicle in which human rights defenders Raquel Sánchez and Oscar Alfredo Ríos Santos were traveling. Raquel Sánchez was hit on the head, which caused a severe wound. There are concerns that the attack was an attempt to stop the pair from carrying out their human rights work.

UA 136/16 issued 10/06/2016

Urgent Action update: Waleed Abu al-Khair starts hunger strike in Saudi Arabia

Imprisoned human rights defender and lawyer, Waleed Abu al-Khair, began a hunger strike on 7 June to protest the prison authorities’ refusal to provide him with adequate medical care and because of his ongoing ill-treatment.

4th update on UA 098/14 issued on 09/06/2016