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Urgent Action update: Ahmed Abdullah's detention order renewed in Egypt

Prisoner of conscience and human rights defender, Dr Ahmed Abdullah, had his detention renewed for a further 15 days on 7 May. He has been detained since 25 April solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression.

2nd update on UA 009/16 issued 11/05/2016

Urgent Action: Appeal Date Set for a nine-month jail sentence in Malaysia

Veteran activist, film maker and former political prisoner, Hishamuddin Rais, faces up to nine months in prison under the Sedition Act in Malaysia for his peaceful calls for electoral reform. The final appeal date has been set for 16 May.

UA 111/16 issued 11/05/2016

Urgent Action: Environmental defender must be released in Mexico

Ildefonso Zamora, an environment and territory defender from an Indigenous community in central Mexico, has been detained since November 2015 in an apparent attempt to stop him from speaking out against logging in the Great Water Forest in his ancestral territory.

UA 106/16 issued 09/05/2016

Urgent Action: Human rights defender threatened in Venezuela

Venezuelan human rights defender Humberto Prado Sifontes has been threatened for his work examining prisons. Humberto, his family and his colleagues from the NGO Venezuelan Prison Observatory (Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones) are at risk.

UA 104/16 issued 06/05/2016

Urgent Action: Prisoners at imminent risk of executions in Indonesia

Three death row prisoners were moved on 8 May to Indonesia’s Nusakambangan prison island, where 13 executions were carried out in 2015.

UA 110/16 issued 10/05/2016

Urgent Action: Omani writer arrested and still detained

Omani writer, journalist and human rights activist Sulaiman al-Ma’mari has been detained since 28 April. He has been denied any access to his family or lawyer.

UA 107/16 issued 10/05/2016

Urgent Action good news: Peaceful Omani activist released without charge

Omani poet, writer, film critic and human rights defender, Abdullah Habib was released without charge on 4 May.

1st update on UA 92/16 issued 10/05/2016

Urgent Action: Activist in Iran sentenced to two decades in jail

Iranian activist Amir Amirgholi was sentenced in early 2016 to 19 years and six months in prison following an hour-long trial on charges that stem from his peaceful activism.

UA 108/16 issued 10/05/2016

Urgent Action update: Bill banning same-sex marriage moves forward in Georgia

1st update on UA 61/16 issued on 10/05/2016

Urgent Action: Activist forcibly detained in psychiatric hospital in Russia

Activist Dmitry Vorobyovsky was forcibly taken from his home to the Voronezh Regional Neurological Dispensary on the evening of 6 May.

UA 109/16 issued on 09/05/2016