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Amnesty Activist Campaign Updates - May 2016

Amnesty Activist Campaign Updates - May 2016

Using virtual reality headsets and 360 Syria at summer festivals

How to use virtual reality headset to showcase 360° images of Syria at festivals this summer

Urgent Action update: prisoner of conscience in Myanmar jailed for six months

U Gambira has been sentenced to six months in prison with hard labour by a court in Myanmar. There are concerns that his ongoing detention could seriously exacerbate his already serious mental health issues.

2nd update on UA 14/16 issued 26/04/2016

Urgent Action: Whereabouts of disappeared Iranian man unknown

The Iranian authorities have yet to establish the fate and whereabouts of Yousef Silavi, from Iran’s Ahwazi Arab minority, who has been missing since November 2009.

UA 97/16 issued 26/04/2016

Urgent Action: Pakistani man paralysed in jail now at risk of execution

A Pakistani man convicted and sentenced to death for murder in 2009, Abdul Basit, is at risk of execution. His execution has been stayed three times.

UA 96/16 issued 26/04/2016

Urgent Action: Two prisoners of conscience, seven men held in Togo

Two men are arbitrarily detained in Dapaong, after they questioned the commemoration of the country’s Independence Day and called for justice for people who were killed during protests in Mango.

UA 94/16 issued 16/04/2016

Urgent Action update: concern grows for Egyptian NGOs

A court case against Egyptian human rights defenders has now increased to include three other human rights organizations.

1st update on UA 81/16 issued 22/04/2016

Urgent Action update: Jailed Angolan youth activists appeal their sentence

The lawyers for the 17 youth activists sentenced to jail terms of between 2 years and 8 years, six months have lodged an appeal at the Supreme Court and a habeas corpus before the Constitutional Court.

6th update on UA 143/15 issued 22/04/2016

Urgent Action update: Russian prisoner of conscience targeted and harassed

Tatar activist and prisoner of conscience Rafis Kashapov is currently serving a three-year sentence for criticizing the Russian government.

3rd update on UA 12/15 issued 22/04/2016

Urgent Action: release Omani artist and peaceful activist

Omani poet, writer, film critic and human rights defender, Abdullah Habib has been held in detention in Muscat’s intelligence offices since 15 April. He has been denied any access to his family or lawyer.

UA 92/16 issued 22/04/2016