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Urgent Action update: detained Congolese opposition member awaiting trial

Congolese political opposition member, Paulin Makaya has been held in pre-trial detention at the central prison of Brazzaville beyond the four months limit prescribed by Congolese law.

3rd update on UA 274/15 issued 21/04/2016

Urgent Action update: Iran confirms forced “virginity test” on artist

Prisoner of conscience Atena Farghadani remains in prison pending the outcome of her appeal against a 12 years and nine months prison sentence. She has been subjected to virginity and pregnancy tests.

2nd update on UA 49/15 issued 21/04/16

Urgent Action update: new attacks against Honduran human rights defenders

Members of the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) and other national and international organizations were attacked by unidentified armed people.

1st update on UA 60/16 issued 20/04/2016

Urgent Action update: In Myanmar ailing prisoner of conscience remains in jail

Prisoner of conscience U Gambira remains in detention facing politically motivated criminal charges. He suffers from serious physical and mental health issues.

1st update on UA 14/16 issued 20/04/2016

Urgent Action good news: five Myanmer media workers released

Unity journalists Lu Maw Naing, Yarzar Oo, Paing Thet Kyaw, Sithu Soe and the newspaper’s chief executive officer Tint San were released from Pakokku prison in Myanmar’s Magway Region on 17 April.

3rd update on UA 82/14 issued 19/04/2016

Refugee Week: 20-26 June 2016

Infomation on Refugee Week 2016

Refugee Week: 19-25 June 2017

Infomation on Refugee Week 2016

Urgent Action Update: Myanmer prisoner of conscience released

Political activist Htin Kyaw has been released from prison following a Presidential pardon in Myanmar on 17 April, as part of a Presidential pardon which saw the release of 83 prisoners.

7th update on UA 117/14 issued 20/04/2016

Urgent Action good news: Six Myanmer activists have been released

Human rights activists Naw Ohn Hla, San San Win (aka Lay Lay), Sein Htwe, Nay Myo Zin, Tin Htut Paing and Than Swe were released from Insein prison in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city, on 17 April.

2nd update on UA 2/15 issued 20/04/2016

Urgent Action: eight Egyption civilians at risk of death sentence

An Egyptian military court is preparing to sentence eight men to death after a grossly unfair trial. The men are standing trial on terrorism-related charges with 20 others, in a case also marred by torture and enforced disappearances.

UA 91/16 issued 20/04/2016