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Amnesty International UK
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Outcome: Disappeared Qatari father and son released

Saudi authorities released a Qatari father (70) and son (17), allowing them to return home on 1 Nov.

Outcome UA: 114/19

Fifth update: Released activists still face charges

13 activists arrested for giving water to people on hunger strike will be brought to court on 30 January 2020.

Fifth update on UA 082/19

Outcome: Withdrawal of Urgent Action

Due to new information, Amnesty no longer believes Osama Muhana al-Tamimi has been targeted by the Bahraini government.

Outcome UA: 110/19

Iraq: Human rights lawyer forcibly disappeared

A 29-year-old lawyer, representing arrested protesters, was abducted by armed men on 6 Oct. His whereabouts are unknown.

First UA: 173/19

Outcome: Rio Blanco land defenders' protection extended

The Honduran government has agreed to new and continued protective measures for members of the Río Blanco community.

Outcome UA: 064/19

Human rights defender held incommunicado

Human rights defender continues to be detained after being tried for "defamation" and "threats" against the president.

Second update on UA: 15/19

Opposition members at high risk of attack

Attacks on representatives and staff linked to opposition parties in Venezuela’s National Assembly
began in December.

First UA: 1/20

Youth Group Fundraising Update: January 2020

A Youth Fundraising Update for January 2020 with some fundraising ideas to kick the year off with.

Youth Fundraising Update: January 2020

Outcome: Nafosat Olloshkurova released

Uzbekistani blogger and human rights defender Nafosat Olloshkurova has been released from forced psychiatric detainment.

Outcome UA 139/19

Local Group Fundraising Update: January 2020

A local group fundraising update featuring news of a matched funding opportunity and trekking fundraising ideas.

Local Group Fundraising Update: January 2020