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UAE: Prisoner of conscience held in dire conditions

Human rights defender has remained in in solitary confinement without a mattress of access to fresh air since March 2017.

Second update on UA: 27/19

Iran: Kurdish activist needs medical care

A Kurdish labour rights activist with a heart condition remains in detention without access to a lawyer or his family.

First UA: 176/19

Myanmar: New convictions for "Peacock Generation" members

Four members of satirical poetry group, Peacock Generation, have been given further jail terms for posting on Facebook.

Second update on UA: 147/19

Egypt: Three journalists arbitrarily detained

Three journalists are in detention under terrorism related charges and for "spreading false news", for their writings.

First UA: 175/19

Iran: Activist sentenced to 24 years in prison

An Iranian women's rights defender has been sentenced to 24 years in prison for campaigning against forced veiling laws.

First UA: 158/19

Myanmar: Release jailed filmmaker second update

A prominent filmmaker has been convicted to a year in prison for Facebook posts critical of the Myanmar military.

Second update on UA: 81/19

First update: lengthy jail terms for prisoners of conscience

Crimean Tatar human rights defenders were given lengthy prison sentences, after an unfair trial based on false charges.

First update on UA: 126/19

Outcome: Torture of Rashitjon Kadirov stopped

The former Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being tortured to give confessions.

Outcome UA: 44/19

Outcome: Family seeking asylum returns home voluntarily

Family of asylum seekers returned to Pakistan after being detained in deplorable conditions for a long period of time.

Outcome UA: 80/19

Outcome: Representative's trial started

The trial against Venezuelan National Assembly member, Juan Requesens, has begun, after arbitrary detention and delays.

Outcome UA: 160/19