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Amnesty International UK
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Death Penalty (922)
Sep 18 2007 12:00am
USA: Kenny Richey's move to County Jail welcomed
Scottish man to come off death row for first time in 20 yearsAmnesty I...
Sep 13 2007 12:00am
Death Penalty: Hard Hitting Mumia Abu-Jamal Film Launched
‘In Prison My Whole Life’ will screen during London Film FestivalA new...
Aug 28 2007 12:00am
Death penalty: Texas man to be executed for crime he did not commit
State’s ‘law of parties’ condemned and clemency callAmnesty Internatio...
Aug 10 2007 12:00am
Kenny Richey case: New appeal victory hailed as opportunity to clear name
Amnesty International UK and other anti-death penalty campaigners have...
Aug 9 2007 12:00am
Yemen: Teenager faces execution on Saturday
President Saleh asked ‘to think again’ and spare child offenderAmnesty...
Aug 7 2007 12:00am
China: New report shows human rights abuses blighting countdown to Olympics
Launch of ‘Human Rights for China’ campaignAmnesty International has t...
Aug 1 2007 12:00am
Iran: Kurdish cousins face execution for being ‘at enmity with God’
Sheffield man appeals for his brother to be spared hangingAmnesty Inte...
Aug 1 2007 12:00am
Sudan (Darfur): New Darfur deployment must be immediate and fully resourced
Amnesty International welcomed UN Security Council resolution for stre...
Jul 17 2007 12:00am
Iran: Child offender faces execution in next few hours
Amnesty International has just learned that 18-year-old musician Sina ...
Jul 6 2007 12:00am
Saudi Arabia: Sri Lankan teenager faces beheading within days
A Sri Lankan teenager in Saudi Arabia faces beheading within days afte...