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Amnesty International UK
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Death Penalty (922)
Oct 31 2006 12:00am
China: Supreme court rule on Death Penalty welcomed, but abolition needed
Amnesty International welcomed today's new legislation under which the...
Oct 19 2006 12:00am
Leeds man on death row in Pakistan: Campaign for justice continues after postponement
Amnesty International, Reprieve and Fair Trials Abroad are pleased tha...
Oct 16 2006 12:00am
Pakistan/UK: Leeds man to be executed on Wednesday 1 November 2006
Amnesty calls on President Musharraf and Prime Minister Blair to immed...
Oct 2 2006 12:00am
Pakistan/UK: Leeds man’s stay of execution in Pakistan has passed, execution could happen any day
President Musharraf says it is beyond his power to interveneThe stay o...
Sep 21 2006 12:00am
China: New report slams Chinese failure to make promised human rights reforms
Man imprisoned and tortured for complaining about eviction to make way...
Sep 21 2006 12:00am
Indonesia: Executions are state-sanctioned killing and a serious setback
Amnesty International today (21 September) condemned the executions of...
Sep 21 2006 12:00am
Thailand: Human rights protections must be upheld
Following a military coup d’etat and the declaration of martial law in...
Sep 11 2006 12:00am
Pakistan: Leeds man on Death Row facing imminent execution after unfair trial
Family and Amnesty International implore President Musharraf to commut...
Sep 5 2006 12:00am
USA: Kenny Richey case - Appeal Court decision welcomed for death row Scot
Amnesty International UK today welcomed a new opportunity for a Scotti...
Aug 16 2006 12:00am
Pakistan/UK: Leeds man on Death Row in Pakistan - new stay of execution to 1 October prolongs agony
Reacting to confirmation on the 16th of August from the British High C...