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Amnesty International UK
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Death Penalty (922)
Jan 31 2006 12:00am
USA: New report on execution of mentally ill prisoners
One in ten of USA's 30-year capital punishment death toll were mentall...
Jan 24 2006 12:00am
UK: Sister Helen Prejean joins campaign for death row Scot Kenny Richey
Renowned US anti-death penalty campaigner and author Sister Helen Prej...
Jan 18 2006 12:00am
Thailand: Katherine Horton killing, concern at death sentences
Amnesty International expressed its concern at the sentencing to death...
Jan 13 2006 12:00am
USA: Schwarzenegger should grant clemency for 76-year-old wheelchair-user with suspected brain damage facing execution
Amnesty International is calling on California Governor Arnold Schwarz...
Dec 13 2005 12:00am
USA: Execution of Stanley 'Tookie' Williams a travesty of justice
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger had been asked to grant clem...
Dec 9 2005 12:00am
Kenny Richey case: Disappointment at delays in justice
In January 2005 the 6th Circuit Federal Court of Appeal in Cincinnati ...
Dec 9 2005 12:00am
USA: Governor Schwarzenegger should halt execution of Stanley 'Tookie' Williams
Former gang leader Stanley Williams is scheduled to be executed in the...
Dec 1 2005 12:00am
UK/USA: Kenny Richey case disappointment at Supreme Court decision
Mr Richey was convicted of arson and murder in the state of Ohio in 19...
Sep 6 2005 12:00am
India: Amnesty calls on India to abolish the death penalty ahead of summit meeting in New Delhi
In the lead-up to the summit Amnesty International has sent a briefing...
Aug 25 2005 12:00am
Iran: Two teenagers face execution in defiance of international law
The boys - Mostafa (surname unknown), a student, aged, 16, and Sina (s...